Friday, July 22, 2011

Paper Balls

I thought these were beautiful and wanted to make some for Alison's and the baby's room.  I only have two done now, so I will update a picture when I get more done.  They are fun and colorful.  I love how they spin and rotate with the breeze.. 

I found a bowl the size of the cirlces I needed.  I then traced the bowl only the wrong side of scrapbook paper using a pencil. 

I carefully cut each circle out.  One ball takes 8 circles.

To give each circle a more finished look it help to use an ink pad and run the edge along it.  If you don't have an ink pad, or cannot find yours like in my case, you can use a sharpie.  Be sure to hold the pen on the wrong side.  This I learned the hard way b/c if the pen slips you will leave a black line.  Much better to be on the side you do not see instead of on the printed side.

Measure out a triangle on the backside of the circle.  I dont have any good formula for doing this I just sort of did hit or miss until I got the numbers right.  I then marked each corner.

I then used a straight edge to draw lines from each corner.  After drawing the lines I used the plastic tip of the pencil to score the paper.  This made it much easier to fold the paper in a straight line.

Fold the paper up towards the printed side along the scored lines.

They just look pretty all together :)

I used craft glue and glued a ribbon to hang the ball from.

I put glue on each folded up tab and started sticking them together.  Its hard to keep them from slipping so I used paper clips to hold it together.

This is what it looked like as it dried.  It took about an hour for it to dry. 
I used a thumb tack to attach it to the ceiling.  Hopefully I won't regret this since I hung it in the corner above Alison's bed. 
This is what Alison's corner now looks like.  I am satisfied with them, and like that they are all different sizes.  Now just to make some for the nursery :)

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