Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Basic Bow

When I decided I was going to start making bows more my girls I wanted to start with something that was a bit more basic and felt like I could accomplish easily.  These bows were great!  They are easy and they are so cute.  The are a great stepping stone so you can feel comfortable working with ribbon.  Lets get started!

For this project you will need a hot glue gun, lighter, scissors, needle and thread, alligator clip and your ribbon.  I am making a double basic bow, so you will need two pieces of fabric cut so they will make the size of your bow.  I do not measure, its too much calculating for me, and too much pressure.  Just take a piece of ribbon and wrap it into a circle, when the circle is the size you want your bow, thats where you cut!  You will need a smaller coordinating ribbon for the center of the bow.

Before you get started, heat seal your ribbon with your lighter.  You just take the flame over the ribbon a few times and you will prevent it from fraying. 

Make a circle out ofone piece of ribbon.  Adjust your circle until its to the desired size of your bow.  If you are making  double bow like I am today, repeat this with the second piece of ribbon, if making a single move on.  My experience says that thinner ribbon looks better in a smaller bow, and wider looks better bigger.  Just play with it until you like it.  it your creation :) 

Find your middle.  Take your needle with thread attached and weave it through your ribbon pieces.  This process is the same whether you are doing a single or a double bow.

Pull the thread through and wrap it tightly around your ribbon a few times.  Do you see a bow forming?  You will need to pay with your ribbon pieces to make them look cute.  Mine never look perfect just pulled tight.  Pull adjust and fluff until it looks like you want it to.  Once I get the desire look I tighten the thread and make multiple knots.  I want this to be very strong.

Time for hot glue!  Put a dab of hot glue on the back side of your bow. 

Take your thinner bow and stick it to the hot glue.  this is the begining of your center piece.

Wrap that piece around, keeping it snug and as tight as you want your desired look to be.

Dab a bit of blueon your alligator clip.  Be careful not to glue it closed!  Yes I know from experience.. LOL

Stick your alligator clip to the back side of the bow. Notice your center ribbon is not completely wrapped around?  You will use this extra piece to keep your clip secure.

You want to open your alligator clip, and put a bit of glue where your center ribbo will wrap on top of it.  Pull your ribbon through and glue it down. You will need to add as much glue as you need to make this secure and to hold your clip on there.  No one sees the back side, don't worry.

Clip off your extra ribbon, You are DONE!  This is the back of your ribbon.

And here is your final product!  Not so hard was it?  And you now have a bow that will make a little girl that much more adorable.  I like to make two of these bows and clip them on pig tails.  Too Cute!

Here is one made of a wider, heavier ribbon.

This is the same concept, I just added tails.  The tutorial for that is here.  (If you are reading this, it is not done yet, check back)I think it can finish off some bows that need just a litle more.

Here are three basic bows, with tails stacked on top of each other.  Made the exact same way, just more.

These are made the same exact way, but with ribbon spikes behind them.  You can see the tutorial for these here. (If you are reading this, it is not done yet, check back)

Get creative an have fun!!!  Happy Crafting!

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