Saturday, August 13, 2011

Wall Butterflies

I saw these butterflies here and knew they would be perfect in the nursery.  I didn't see a tutorial, but knew they could not be too hard to recreate. 

Lucky for me Alison had this toy butterfly and I traced around it onto a heavy piece of paper.  Then I cut it out and I had my template for the butterflies.  You could draw yours free hand or find any picture of a butterfly and just get an outline. 

I used scrapbook paper for the butterflies.  I had a lot of scraps laying around, so I just found pieces big enough to cut two butterflies out of.  I used two cutouts of the same color for each butterfly, but you could use different colors, be as creative as you want.  Always trace on the wrong side of your paper, so you don't see lines.  Then cut it out with an exacto knive or scissors, whichever you prefer.

Then cut it out with an exacto knive or scissors, whichever you prefer.

If you like you can use a sharpie to outline the edge of the butterflies to give them a more finished look.  I forgot to do that in this step, so I did it later.  It would have been much easier to do here.  Anyways, after your butterflies are cut out gently fold up the wings of both butterflies, keeping the body area flat. 

Using craft glue, add a small line to the body part of the bottom butterfly.f

Place the top butterfly on top like this.  Give it time to dry and you are done.  I did more of an assembly line since I wanted to make a lot of these little guys.  I'd trace them all then cut them all, and then glue all at once.  They were so easy.  I actually used this as my craft to do at nighttime when I was just sitting on the couch watching tv.  I like crafts that can be done while relaxing :)

Here is what they look like on the wall of the nursery.  I used wall puddy to attach them.

I'm wondering if I should make a few more.  I like how they fill up a blank area without overpowering it.  Have fun crafting :)

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