Thursday, October 13, 2011

Halloween Decorations

Its that time of year again and I couldnt be more excited!  Since Alison has been born we just have not  had the opportunity to decorate for Halloween.  We lived in an apartment for the first two years, and then last year we had just moved here.  So this year I decided it was time to decorate.  Now I tried to do decorations that she and I could do together.  Her and I both had fun with decorating.  We still need to carve pumpkins, but that will not happen for another week or two.  I'll update pictures if I change anything.  But I am pretty happy with these for now.  Its not over the top but its fun :)

I created spiderwebs at our enterance with white yarn.  It went together really easily and was fun to be creative on how to make.

This is a wreath that Alison and I both made.  There is no tutorial needed, we simply used a wreath form (made one from plumbling insulation from lowes) and then shiney halloween garland we bought at the dollar store.  The sign was also from the dollar store, so we just wrapped the garland around and attached the sign.  It was a great craft that Alison could help with a lot. 

I made another spider web around our front windows to add a bit to the Ghosts that we had already made.  I added some bones and pumpkins too.  I am thinking maybe if we get a chance we'll make some tombstones, or that could be a project for next year.

We had to make sure some ghosts were in our tree :)

The Burlap Banner was the only decoration I did myself. 

Halloween is a fun holiday for me, I think its definitely one that is most fun when the decorating is done with the kids, they are the ones that enjoy it the most too.  It will be interesting to see how our decorations change as the kids get older and are able to do more difficult crafts :)

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