Thursday, July 21, 2011

Coloring Binder

I started with a black binder and cut some scrapbook paper to fit the outside of it.  Then used Modge Podge to attach the scrapbook paper.  I probably used about 3 layers of it on top to keep it sealed nicely and to make sure Alison couldnt peel the scrapbook paper off.

On the inside I used sticky velcro pieces.  I attached the scrachy ones to the inside of the binder, and attached the soft side to some colored pencils.  You could also use crayons of markers or whatever you would like.  Alison helped me with the modge podge so there is streaks of it on the inside of the binder.  My OCD doesnt like it, but I just reminded myself that it is her binder, she should help :)

The colored pencils stick right in there and I punched holes in some copy paper and left it at that.  I also figured I could print off coloring pages or you could just tear out pages from a coloring book and punch holes in them.

I realized that since I used coloring pencils, I should add a shapener to it too... I attached it with velcro too.

Alison gave it the seal of approval and used it right away.  My hopes is that it can go in the car to keep her occupied while are out and about.  Plus it should be easier for her to not lose the pencils.

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